Sunday, September 29, 2013

Vegan Stewie...thing

Sorry for the lack of a proper title if you have a better one please do tell....


1 can Lentils ( 540 ml )
1 can Pineapple (540 ml )
5 medium sized potatoes 
3-5 Tomatoes 
Any other vegetables you love 
Pepper to taste 
Any other flavoring you personally like


- In a pan on medium or even crock-pot if you would like, add a can of lentils and some pineapple and some of the juice of the pineapples to add to the flavor.

- Take your potatoes and peel them and dice them into small chunks, they will take the most amount of time to cook through, if you like them harder and not mush add them later (unless you like bigger chunks)

- The amount of tomatoes doesn't really matter, preferably fresh. Just dice them up or mush them, whatever you prefer...add those in and stir good

- I love pepper so that's my flavoring adds a good kick to it. Sometimes I like garlic sometime more parsley... whatever rocks your world...

I love this recipe because it's simple and easy to make and so easy to change and make it your own  
Not most attractive picture but it works 

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Excellent Question.....
   Well I kind of got bored one night and decided to Google random things
   and BAM! hit a vegan website, and started watching a bunch of YouTube 
   videos and did a bunch or research and want to definitely try going vegan.
   I have been Vegetarian for the last 7-8 years... I think... A while, anyways
   It's not because I am against eating animals... well to a certain degree but I am
   not going to lunge across the table to stop you from eating it, I work in a 
   restaurant and I serve meat... I just don't consume it myself because I simply
   can not swallow it even if I chew it till it's mush. I feel loads better without it
   less tired and don't have to worry about GMO meat or other crap that's put into it 
   these days. I really want to go vegan though now because I have been more aware
   of eggs and milk and how it's very strange how we consume it so much, even though
   we get loads of protein/calcium from vegetables alone. We over consume and 
   over kill for something that isn't even good for us... seems strange. I love media 
   these days because they have a way around everything... You know most of the 
   reason drug companies exist is because of media and because of what the media
   tells us we should eat..."The Canadian Food Guide" is what they preach but how
   correct is this food guide? maybe you should look at the labels on the food you eat.
   My general rule is if it's got a more than 10 ingredients or 3 or more ingredients that 
   I can not say or have no clue what it is it's probably not something I should be putting
   in my body.

   Anyways I could never find any simple Vegan recipes online so I decided that those who

   I do find or make myself I shall post on this blog and share it so it saves you the troubles.
   If your  not into this vegan thing or still love to bake with eggs and milk well I have 
   another blog  <--- check it out if you like
    Hope You Enjoy !